Special projects and programmes
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Sweden in a digital world
A strategy for Sweden’s foreign and security policy on cyber and digital issues. This strategy aims to enhance Sweden’s security, prosperity and competitiveness through a cohesive and integrated foreign and security policy on cyber and digital issues. By reinforcing a global, open, free and secure cyberspace based on the rule of law, Sweden can strengthen its international role and influence.
Defence Resolution 2025-2030
The most substantial reinforcement of the total defence since the Cold War is now taking place. Sweden is rapidly rearming in an international context and making major investments in both the civil and the military defence. The military defence is being allocated more than SEK 170 billion and the civil defence more than SEK 37.5 billion by 2030. Military defence expenditures will reach 2.6 per cent of GDP by 2028. A powerful Swedish total defence strengthens the security of both Sweden and NATO.
Military budget
Government appropriations to military defence are increasing by nearly SEK 13 billion from 2024 to 2025, including upward adjustments and previous decisions. This represents a 10 per cent increase. Appropriations for military defence amount to SEK 138 billion for 2025.
from Ministry of Defence
Sweden mobilising efforts to boost global competitiveness and foreign trade
The Strategy for Sweden’s foreign trade, investment and global competitiveness outlines a new holistic approach to creating the best possible conditions for Swedish companies to grow, develop and assume leading positions in tomorrow’s global markets.
International defence cooperation
Sweden builds security together with others. Sweden’s accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a cornerstone in this work. In addition, Sweden has extensive defence cooperation with other countries, both in the form of bilateral cooperation between Sweden and another country and multilateral cooperation with several countries.
from Ministry of Defence
Government’s response to situation in Israel and Palestine
On 7 October 2023, Hamas carried out a terrorist attack against Israel. The security situation in the region has seriously deteriorated since then. Information about the Government’s response to the situation and the subsequent war is provided here.
Defence Innovation
In the first half of 2023, the Swedish Government launched the defence innovation initiative to increase the capacity and pace of innovation in the defence industry. This initiative should create added value through increased and enhanced collaboration within and between the business sector and government agencies in various sectors. The purpose is to strengthen Sweden’s security and national defence capability and boost competitiveness in the defence industry.
Barriers to crime – a crime prevention strategy
In Sweden, everyone must be able to live a secure life without fear of being a victim of crime, regardless of who they are or where they live. To counteract the major challenges connected to crime and insecurity in our country, investments in the judicial system and criminal law measures must be combined with effective and proactive crime prevention efforts. The Government’s national strategy Barriärer mot brott (Barriers to crime) is an important part of these efforts. The focus of the strategy is social crime prevention efforts, including the prevention of children and young people from becoming involved in criminal networks and other crime, and ensuring that those who do commit crimes leave that world behind.
Resistance and action – Sweden’s national strategy against organised crime
Organised crime poses a serious threat to the Swedish society. The deadly violence and the criminal financial structures used by organised crime actors, and parallel social structures at local level, affect the safety and security of Swedish citizens. Also, the impact of organised crime damages citizens’ trust in public institutions. The strategy calls for action and outlines priorities, measures, and objectives, towards further resistance against organised crime.
The Financial Stability Council
The Financial Stability Council is a meeting forum for regular discussion of issues concerning financial stability and risks that can lead to undesired consequences for the financial system as a whole. The council will ultimately work to safeguard financial stability and thus reduce the risk of a negative impact on the economic outlook. The council will also discuss the preparation of, and need for, measures if it is deemed that stability is at risk.
Sweden’s work against antimicrobial resistance
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – particularly antibiotic resistance – has long been an important issue for Sweden, and action is being taken to prevent the spread of AMR and its effects both in Sweden and globally.
Total defence
Sweden’s total defence involves the whole of society. Total defence is the range of activities required to prepare Sweden for war and consists of two areas of activity – military defence and civil defence.
Comprehensive strategy against violent extremism and terrorism
Terrorism threatens peace and security, and our fundamental rights and freedoms. The threat today is more complex than in the past, and for several years now, serious ideologically motivated crime has contributed to the increased threat to individuals and Swedish interests. The Government's comprehensive national strategy against both violent extremism and terrorism takes a long-term approach to work at local, regional, national and international level. This type of crime must be prevented and combatted with the full force of society.
The Government’s priorities
The Government parties, in cooperation with the Sweden Democrats, have decided on six collaborative projects. Within the framework of these projects, they will draft and carry out political reforms to resolve Sweden’s most important societal challenges. In addition to the six collaborative projects, the Government is working on two other priorities.
N5 and NB8 – Nordic and Nordic-Baltic cooperation on foreign and security policy
In 2024, Sweden will coordinate the informal foreign and security cooperation formats of the Nordic and Baltic countries (NB8) and the Nordic countries (N5). The NB8 and N5 are led by foreign ministers, who meet several times a year to discuss current issues. During the year, focus will be on strengthening security cooperation in the region and continued support to Ukraine.
2024 Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers
A safer, greener and freer Nordic region – this is the focus of the 2024 Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The vision of the Nordic region being the world’s most integrated and sustainable region by 2030 will shape the Swedish Presidency.
International sanctions
International sanctions are an important instrument to safeguard peace and security, and promote democracy and human rights. Sanctions mean that restrictions limiting the freedom of a state, a region, a group or individuals are imposed. Sanctions that apply in Sweden have been adopted by the UN or the EU. Sweden is bound by a total of some 40 sanctions regimes. These include both geographical sanctions targeting specific countries or regions and thematic sanctions targeting specific problems.
Military support to Ukraine
Sweden has contributed military support to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. There has been a significant change in the level and content of the support provided by Sweden: from personal protective equipment in the first decision to tanks, advanced weapons systems and ammunition in later packages. With support package 17 presented by the Government on September 9, 2024, the total value of Sweden’s military support to Ukraine amounts to approximately SEK 48.4 billion (2 October, 2024).
Efforts to strengthen Sweden’s security
Information about the Government’s measures to strengthen Sweden’s security, protect Swedish citizens and safeguard Swedish economic interests in light of the serious security situation is available here.
Task force for Jewish life in Sweden
The Government’s task force for Jewish life in Sweden was presented in January 2023. The working group collaborates and conducts dialogue on preventive measures and efforts to improve the conditions for Jewish life and prevent and combat antisemitism in Sweden. This page contains a list of documents and articles on the group’s work and the Government’s other measures to combat antisemitism.