A Work Environment Strategy for Modern Working Life 2016–2020 Skr. 2015/16:80
The Government's work environment policy is to contribute to a work environment that prevents ill health, accidents and people being excluded from working life. Work environment management must take into account people's differing circumstances and contribute to the development of both individuals and operations.
The Government is raising the level of ambition in its work environment policy by basing this strategy on concrete measures within three prioritised areas:
- Zero tolerance of fatal accidents and the prevention of accidents at work
- A sustainable working life
- Psychosocial work environment
Improving the work environment requires action on the part of both central government and the social partners. Consequently, the process of drawing up the Government's work environment strategy for modern working life, which began in winter 2015, was commenced in consultation with the social partners. In order to maintain and deepen this tripartite process, the Government intends to create a forum for dialogue in which to continually discuss ongoing, planned and future actions in this area with the social partners.
The Government's strategy for its work environment policy indicates the direction this work will take over the course of the next five years. Within the scope of the strategy, the relevant work environment issues will undergo further work in dialogue with the social partners.