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Press release from Ministry for Foreign Affairs

SEK 25 million in humanitarian support to crisis-affected Sudan


The Government is setting aside an additional SEK 25 million to address the growing humanitarian crisis in Sudan. This humanitarian support is being disbursed to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the humanitarian operations of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). An estimated 25 million people are in need of humanitarian support in Sudan in the midst of the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.

“The Government is now increasing Sweden’s humanitarian aid to help the people who are living under almost impossible conditions in Sudan. I recently met with the UNHCR country director for Sudan and other humanitarian actors that are fighting to reach those in need despite the grave risks and challenges. This additional support will go to care for the ill and injured, evacuation of civilians from war-affected areas affected by war, and protection and shelter for families and children who have been forced to flee from their homes. Swedish humanitarian aid will also reach people in dire need and poverty,” says Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Benjamin Dousa.

UNHCR supports displaced people in Sudan and its neighbouring countries by registering refugees, identifying humanitarian needs and offering protection. The war in Sudan has brought about the world’s largest refugee crisis, with more than 10 million people displaced in the region. UNHCR assists by providing vital supplies, shelter, protection measures for the civilian population and safe refugee camps. The Government is now setting aside an additional SEK 15 million for UNHCR operations in Sudan. 

The ICRC plays an important role in the humanitarian response in Sudan. This includes providing first aid and other acute care to the civilian population, organising evacuations of civilians and offering various types of protection for vulnerable people. The ICRC also plays a significant role in promoting and ensuring compliance with international humanitarian law. The Government is now setting aside an additional SEK 10 million for ICRC operations in Sudan.

Sweden’s support to Sudan

Sweden has set aside a total of SEK 659 million in support to the civilian population in Sudan thus far in 2024. This consists of SEK 439 million in humanitarian support and SEK 220 million in long-term development cooperation. Sweden also provides humanitarian support to the neighbouring countries Chad and South Sudan.

Press contact

Linn Laurin
Press Secretary to Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Benjamin Dousa
Phone (switchboard) +46 8 405 10 00
Mobile +46 76 133 67 90
email to Linn Laurin