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Sub-target 5: Gender-equal health


The Government’s fifth gender equality policy sub-target is ‘Gender-equal health’. Women and men and girls and boys must have the same opportunities and conditions for good health and be offered health and social care on equal terms. Gender-equal health is a target in itself, but good health for women and men and girls and boys also contributes to gender-equal and active participation in society.

Women and men and girls and boys must have the same opportunities and conditions for good health and be offered health and social care on equal terms.

The sub-target became a new independent target in November 2016. Good public health is not a matter of health being as good as possible, it should also be distributed as equitably and gender-equally as possible.

Mental, physical and sexual/reproductive health

The sub-target on gender-equal health concerns physical, mental and sexual/reproductive health, and includes both preventive public health efforts, such as measures and initiatives for individual people with regard to social services, support and service to people with disabilities, and health and medical care.

With regard to care, the target aims at publicly financed care. Unpaid care work is covered by the sub-target on an even distribution of unpaid housework and care work. Childcare is covered by the sub-target on gender-equitable education.
