Vaccine booster dose
Region Stockholm now offers a booster dose of Covid-19 vaccine for persons born in 1961 or earlier.
Region Stockholm now offers a booster dose of Covid-19 vaccine to persons belonging to one of the following categories:
- for persons born in 1956 or earlier if five months have passed the administration of the second dose.
- for persons born in 1961 and if six months have passed after the administration of the second dose.
For persons 18 years or older if the administration of the second dose of vaccine was administered before the 16 May. The same applies if you are a person belonging to a medical risk group.
Eligible members of the staff of diplomatic missions and their family members can make appointments for vaccination against COVID-19 by contacting a healthcare center (vårdcentral) or at a drop in centre. Please find more information from Region Stockholm (in Swedish) in the link below:
Så gör du för att vaccinera dig mot covid-19 - 1177 Vårdguiden
Jag är inte svensk medborgare, men bor i Sverige. Kan jag vaccinera mig mot covid-19 i Sverige? - 1177 Vårdguiden
Please always refer to Region Stockholm for the latest updates on covid and vaccination.