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CV Sophia Metelius


State Secretary to Minister for Employment and Integration Mats Persson

Ministry of Employment


Liberal Party

Areas of responsibility

  • Coordinating State Secretary
  • Labour market, including:
  • Matching of jobseekers and job vacancies
  • Labour market policy programmes
  • Unemployment insurance


  • 1992-1997
    Master of Laws, Stockholm University, including studies at Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg, France
  • 1997
    Political science, Stockholm University
  • 1988-1991
    Humanities programme, Danderyd Upper Secondary School

Positions and assignments

  • 2022-
    State Secretary, Ministry of Employment
  • 2022
    Election Director, Liberal Party Stockholm
  • 2021-2022
    Senior consultant, Kreab
  • 2019-2022
    Member of Nomination Committee, Liberal Party, Danderyd branch
  • 2019-2021
    Head/Chief negotiator, Liberal Party January Agreement Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Office
  • 2016-2019
    Board Member, Liberal Party, Danderyd branch
  • 2014-2019
    Senior researcher, Liberal Party Parliamentary Secretariat
  • 2012-2014
    Political Adviser, Ministry of Employment
  • 2011-2012
    Deputy Director, Ministry of Employment
  • 2008-2010
    Deputy Director, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality
  • 2006-2008
    Desk Officer, Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality
  • 2002-2006
    Desk Officer, Ministry of Justice
  • 1999-2000
    Desk Officer, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
  • 1998-1999
    Case Officer, Ombudsman for Children in Sweden
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Sophia Metelius, State Secretary to Minister for Employment and Integration Mats Persson
Sophia Metelius, State Secretary to Minister for Employment and Integration Mats Persson. Photo: Kristian Pohl/Government Offices


Sophia Metelius was born in 1972. She is married and has four children, including a step-daughter. Sophia lives in Danderyd.
