International Judicial Co-operation
Tasks undertaken by the Ministry of Justice in the international field include the reception, scrutiny and forwarding of requests to and from Sweden in legal matters that require cross-border co-operation. The function is designated the Central Authority. Most of the Central Authority´s operations are directed towards other public authorities. The information on these pages is primarily designed to meet their needs.
- Responsible ministers
- Gunnar Strömmer
- Responsible ministries
- Ministry of Justice
Our most common matters

Legal assistance in criminal matters
International legal assistance in criminal matters consists of such measures that prosecutors and courts need assistance with from another state during a preliminary investigation and in court proceedings. Examples of such measures are interrogation during a preliminary investigation or seizure and search of premises.

Judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters
Judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters consists of such measures that courts need assistance with from another state in court proceedings. Examples of such measures might be the taking of evidence through hearings or blood sampling.

Hearing by Telephone Conference
When somebody is to be heard by telephone from another country, special rules apply. Under this heading, we have gathered all the information which we have on cross-border hearings by telephone.

Extradition for Criminal Offences
Extradition involves cooperation, mainly with states outside the EU, to facilitate both legal procedures and the enforcement of sentences.

European Arrest Warrant
An arrest warrant is a request from one state to another, within the EU, that a person be apprehended and surrendered to the requesting state in order to face legal proceedings or for the purpose of execution of a custodial sentence or detention order.

Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters
The transfer of proceedings entails a request from one state to another, asking the requested state to initiate legal proceedings for an act that is a punishable offence in both the requesting and the requested state.

Transfer of Enforcement of Sentence
The transfer of enforcement of sentence means that custodial measures, fines or confiscation to which a person has been sentenced in another state may be enforced in Sweden, or, conversely, that custodial measures, fines or confiscation to which a person has been sentenced in Sweden may be enforced abroad.

Information on Foreign Law
Swedish authorities may Contact the Central Authority for information about the legislation of other states, in both criminal and civil matters. This service is not available, however, to private enterprises or individuals. On request, the Central Authority also gives information about Swedish legislation to foreign authorities.

Applications for Legal Aid
Legal aid is financial support to individuals, aimed to partially cover costs, for example for a legal representative. Swedish residents who are involved in matters of a civil, commercial or administrative nature in another EU country may, subject to certain requirements, apply for legal aid through the Central Authority. Please observe that you cannot apply for legal aid in criminal cases.