Anniversary activites in 2025
A number of activities are planned in 2025 to mark Sweden’s 30 years of EU membership, including a series of seminars on the Government’s EU priorities hosted by Minister for EU Affairs Jessica Rosencrantz. A mini tour of a number of Swedish universities is also planned, along with several presentations and activities in conjunction with Europe Day on 9 May at Kulturhuset in Stockholm.
Anniversary activities in 2025
This page lists a number of the seminars and visits taking place during the year. Please note that the calendar will be updated in due course.
The Minister for EU Affairs’ activities in the first six months of 2025
17 January
Anniversary celebrations get under way in conjunction with the Minister for EU Affairs’ visit to Hanaholmen in Finland.
February – May
The Minister for EU Affairs will participate in a series of seminars focused on current EU priorities such as the war in Ukraine, fighting crime, and climate and competitiveness initiatives. The seminars will be held jointly with the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS). (Dates to be confirmed.)
February – June
The Minister for EU Affairs will visit Lund, Gothenburg, Umeå and Uppsala universities and speak with students about the Government’s EU priorities and measures related to EU recruitment. (Dates to be confirmed.)
9 May
The Minister for EU Affairs will deliver the opening address on Europe Day at Kulturhuset in Stockholm, which will particularly highlight the 30th anniversary of Sweden’s EU membership. (Programme details to be confirmed.)
Activities at the Permanent Representation of Sweden in Brussels
10 May
Open Day at the European Council in Brussels, which this year will highlight the 30th anniversary of Sweden, Austria and Finland joining the EU. This is an annual event that is usually held in conjunction with Europe Day.
Other activities
25 February
A joint celebration of the first 30 years of membership in the EU will be hold between the Embassies of Austria, Finland and Sweden. The celebration takes place at the Residence of the Ambassador of Sweden in Riga, Latvia.
Here you will find up to-date information about the 30th anniversary of Sweden's EU membership.
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union
The Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU is Sweden’s largest mission abroad, employing around 120 people. Officials from all the Government Offices’ ministries work here.