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Foreign and security policy in the budget


Foreign and security policy is covered by the appropriations under expenditure area 5 of the central government budget. The objective of the expenditure area ‘International cooperation’ is to secure Sweden’s interests in its relations with other countries.

Most of the expenditure area is used to finance the compulsory contributions Sweden pays as a result of its membership of the UN, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the OECD, NATO etc.

This area includes the following appropriations: 
1:1 Contributions to international organisations
1:2 Peace- and security-building activities
1:3 Nordic cooperation
1:4 Financial support to individuals abroad and various costs for the judicial system
1:5 Swedish Inspectorate of Strategic Products
1:6 Research, inquiries and other action relating to security policy, disarmament and non-proliferation
1:7 Grant to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
1:8 Grant to the Swedish Institute of International Affairs
1:9 Swedish Institute
1:10 Information about Sweden abroad
1:11 Cooperation in the Baltic Sea region