Strategy for Sweden’s cooperation with UN Women 2018–2022 Reference No.: UD2017/21055/FN

This strategy will form the basis of Sweden’s cooperation with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). The strategy establishes the priorities and forms of collaboration for Sweden’s membership of, and partnership with, UN Women at global, regional and national level for 2018–2022.
The strategy is guided by Sweden’s Policy for Global Development and its overall objective of contributing to equitable and sustainable global development and the Policy framework for Swedish development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. Sweden’s Strategy for multilateral development policy and Guidelines for strategies in Swedish development cooperation and humanitarian assistance are the overarching policy documents for Sweden’s cooperation with multilateral organisations.
The strategy is based on UN Women’s mandate and strategic frameworks and takes into consideration the organisational assessment conducted by the Government Offices (Ministry for Foreign Affairs) in 2017. It also takes into consideration the regular assessments of UN Women’s activities on the ground conducted by Swedish missions abroad. The strategy comprises funds as authorised by the Riksdag and the Government’s appropriation directions to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). During the strategy period, Sweden’s advocacy activities within UN Women are also underpinned by the Strategic Partnership Agreement on regular resources reached with the Entity in 2018 on core support totalling SEK 536 million for 2018–2021.
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