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Press release from Ministry of Justice

Stricter conditions for family member immigration and restricted possibilities for residence permits on humanitarian grounds

Published Updated

The Government has decided to consult the Council on Legislation on proposals concerning stricter conditions for family member immigration in certain cases, and restricted possibilities to grant residence permits on humanitarian grounds.

“Due to extensive immigration in recent years together with a lack of integration, Sweden is now facing major challenges of growing exclusion. Breaking and reversing this trend requires a number of measures. The proposals now being referred to the Council on Legislation constitute an important part of the paradigm shift now being implemented in Swedish migration policy, which will reduce immigration to Sweden,” says Minister for Migration Maria Malmer Stenergard.

The proposals include raising the age limit for denying a residence permit on grounds of personal ties from 18 to 21 years. The possibilities for exemption from the maintenance requirement in family member immigration for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, would also be limited. In addition, it is proposed that the provisions on allowing residence permits to be granted on grounds of particularly distressing circumstances be removed, and that children can instead be granted residence permits on grounds of exceptionally distressing circumstances, even if the circumstances do not have the same seriousness and weight as for adults.

The proposals are based on an agreement between the Government and the Sweden Democrats.

It is proposed that the legislative amendments enter into force on 1 December 2023.

Press contact

Erik Engstrand
Press Secretary to Minister for Migration Maria Malmer Stenergard
Phone (switchboard) +46 8 405 10 00
Mobile +46 76 141 14 87
email to Erik Engstrand