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Press release from Ministry of Defence

Sweden to donate anti-tank weapons to Moldova


The Government is proposing to donate m/86 (AT4) anti-tank weapons to Moldova within the framework of the additional amending budget that contains the 18th military support package to Ukraine.

In light of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Moldova finds itself in a very vulnerable position, due to its geographical proximity to Ukraine and Russia’s repeated influence campaigns against the country. Moldova is in great need of assistance, including military support. It is in Sweden’s foreign and security policy interests to assist Moldova as a matter of urgency. 

Supporting Ukraine further and increasing engagement with other countries in the EU’s Eastern partnership, such as Moldova, are important parts of Sweden’s policy to constrain Russia’s influence, freedom of action and ability to do harm.

The Government is therefore proposing to donate anti-tank weapons worth a maximum of SEK 13 000 000 to Moldova, within the framework of the additional amending budget that contains the 18th military support package to Ukraine. 

Press contact

Johan Hjelmstrand
Press Secretary to Minister for Defence Pål Jonson
Phone (switchboard) +46 8 405 10 00
Mobile +46 76 126 69 22
email to Johan Hjelmstrand