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The section coordinates Sweden's participation in Council working groups and committees responsible for defence and security policy. It also handles cooperation with NATO in the framework of the NATO Military Committee, as well as issues related to EU military missions, defence material, capability development, conflict prevention, European Defence Agency, and the European Satellite Centre.

The section is part of the Representation's Foreign Policy Unit.


Robert Wildow
Defence Counsellor and Coordinator - Political Military Group (PMG)
email to Robert Wildow
Jonas Haggren
Vice Admiral- Military Representative to the EU Military Committee (EUMC) and to the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Military Committee (EAPMC, NATO)
email to Jonas Haggren
Christer Nordh
Colonel, Deputy Military Representative to the EU - Deputy Military Representative to the EU Military Committee (EUMC), Overall defence policy issues/defence dimension of CSDP
email to Christer Nordh
Tommy Sundberg
Lieutenant Colonel, Military Advisor - EU Military Committee Working Group (EUMCWG), Military capability development
email to Tommy Sundberg
Nina Lindvall
Defence Counsellor - Defence industry issues, Ad Hoc Working Party on Defence Industry (AHWPDI)
email to Nina Lindvall
Karin Wenander
Defence Counsellor - European Peace Facility (EPF) special committee
email to Karin Wenander
Anna Nummelin
Phone +32 (0)2 289 58 33
email to Anna Nummelin
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
Phone +32 (0) 2 289 56 11
Visiting address Square de Meeûs 30
email to Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU