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Employment, Health and Social Affairs


The group handles social security issues, labour law, employment, gender equality and non-discrimination. It also covers issues related to pharmaceuticals, medical technology, public health and healthcare.


Henrik Åhm
Counsellor, Working Party on Social Questions (SQWP)
Mobile +32 (0)2 289 58 47
email to Henrik Åhm
Joakim Svensson
Counsellor for Health and Pharmaceuticals
Phone +32 (0)2 289 57 19
email to Joakim Svensson
Charlotta Österborg
Counsellor, Social Policy
Phone +32 (0)2 289 57 25
email to Charlotta Österborg
Klara Jonsson Jos
Phone Phone +32 (0)2 289 57 26
email to Klara Jonsson Jos
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
Phone +32 (0) 2 289 56 11
Visiting address Square de Meeûs 30
email to Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU