Implementation of Riksdag decision on central government budget for 2019
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Following the Riksdag’s adoption of the joint reservation from the Moderate Party and the Christian Democrats, the Riksdag has decided on appropriations in the 27 expenditure areas. This means that the Riksdag has concluded its processing of the central government budget for 2019. The caretaker government will now implement the decisions taken by the Riksdag.
Decision on central government expenditure framework for 2019
On 12 December 2018, the Riksdag took the first decision on the central government budget for 2019, known as the framework decision. This decision covers expenditure limits for the expenditure areas, revenue calculations and legislation in the area of taxes and fees. The joint reservation from the Moderate Party and the Christian Democrats was adopted in the Riksdag’s framework decision, which implies amendments in relation to the caretaker government’s budget proposal. These amendments are described in the report on the framework decision drawn up by the Riksdag Committee on Finance.
The report 2018/19:FiU1 (in Swedish)
Appropriation directions for 2019
Based on the Riksdag’s decision, the caretaker government issues appropriation directions. The funds allocated by the Riksdag are distributed among activities and government agencies through the appropriation directions. Since the caretaker government has limited powers, the formulation of the appropriation directions is based on the decisions now taken by the Riksdag or which in some other way are politically uncontroversial. This means that the appropriation directions only contain the objectives, tasks and reporting requirements needed to implement and follow up the adopted budget or adopted acts and ordinances. In 2019, the Government will present the amendments to the appropriation directions that continued implementation of the adopted budget requires.
The appropriation directions for 2019 on Ekonomistyrningsverkets website (in Swedish)
Implementation of amendments to taxation
The Riksdag’s framework decision contains several legislative amendments to taxation.
The framework decision also contains several announcements on taxation. As a result, the caretaker government has been instructed to present proposals on these issues to the Riksdag. The Government Offices has begun the process of drafting relevant proposals.