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Military budget

Government appropriations to military defence are increasing by nearly SEK 13 billion from 2024 to 2025, including upward adjustments and previous decisions. This represents a 10 per cent increase. Appropriations for military defence amount to SEK 138 billion for 2025.

Responsible ministries
Ministry of Defence

Military budget

  • Major increases are planned for the defence decision period 2025–2030. The aim of these additional resources is to enable implementation of the measures in the bill Total Defence 2025–2030. With these increases, defence expenditure for 2025 is forecast to be equivalent to approximately 2.4 per cent of GDP according to NATO’s definition, and to subsequently equate to approximately 2.6 per cent in 2028.

    The table shows decided and estimated levels of appropriation for military defence through 2030 in current prices, not including the appropriation of support to Ukraine.

    Each item in the central government budget has its own expenditure area. Military defence expenditures, including support to Ukraine, are financed via Expenditure area 6, Defence and contingency measures (UO6). This takes place via 13 different appropriations, 1.1–1.13, in which money is allocated to various types of activities. Together, they comprise the overall expenditure for military defence in the central government budget.

    Military defence in the central government budget

    NATO has established a defence spending target of 2 per cent of GDP for its member countries. NATO’s definition of defence expenditures is broader and includes more items than the appropriations to military defence within UO6. According to NATO’s definition, Sweden has already reported defence expenditures corresponding to 2.2 per cent of GDP in 2024.

    Sedan 2022 har Sverige gett militärt stöd till Ukraina genom bland annat donationer av befintlig materiel, utbildning och medel som syftar till att anskaffa ny materiel till förmån för Ukraina. För att ersätta skänkt materiel och finansiera annat militärt stöd till Ukraina har medel tillförts till anslagen på UO6. Stödet till Ukraina utgörs också av humanitärt och civilt stöd och finansieras från anslag i andra utgiftsområden.

    Military support to Ukraine

About Swedish Defence Commission

The Defence Commission is a forum for consultation between the Government and all political parties in the Riksdag.

The budget process

Read about the central government budget process and how policy objectives and ideas are put into action through the Government’s various budget proposals.

Content about Military budget

Total 4 hits.

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