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Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Johan Forssell has been Minister for Migration since 10 September 2024.

Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Johan Forssell has been Minister for Migration since 10 September 2024.

Press release from Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Johan Forssell takes part in Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin


On 10–11 June, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell will travel to Berlin to take part in the annual Ukraine Recovery Conference together with Business Sweden’s CEO Jan Larsson and Director-General of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) Jakob Granit. This year’s conference will focus in particular on the important role of the private sector in reconstruction, the importance of international cooperation and the human dimension. During his visit to Berlin, Mr Forssell will also meet with the German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze. He will also visit the German Vattenfall office.

"I am proud to present Sweden’s strong support for Ukraine’s reconstruction at this year’s conference. In light of Russia’s latest escalation, it is of utmost importance that the international community come together to show its joint support for Ukraine. We must continue to collaborate internationally and make it easier for private companies that wish to support Ukraine’s resilience," says Mr Forssell.

On Monday, Mr Forssell will have a bilateral meeting with Ms Schulze. He will also take part in a lunch together with representatives of Swedish and German industry and business, where the topic of long-term European competitiveness will be addressed. He will also visit the German Vattenfall office.

During the Conference, Sweden will take part in several meetings with other donors on various topics, such as human capital and sustainable regional cooperation. More than 1 500 participants in total are expected to participate: politicians, diplomats, UN bodies, banks, international financial institutions, civil society organisations and companies.

In addition, Sweden is part of the G7+ Ukraine Coordination Group and the Clean Energy Partnership for Ukraine. Volvo Group and Scania Ukraine are among the Swedish companies invited to take part in the business fair.

The tenth meeting of the international donor coordination platform for Ukraine is also being held in conjunction with the Conference. The main event will be a ministerial meeting with international high-level participants on 11 June hosted by the donor coordination platform.

Ukraine Recovery Conference

The first Ukraine Recovery Conference was held in London in 2017. The aim of the Conference is to demonstrate solid support for Ukraine and to stimulate and develop cooperation, contacts and initiatives to support Ukraine’s resilience, reconstruction and business sector.

Multi Agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine

The Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine was established in 2023 to support Ukraine’s macroeconomic stability and reconstruction. Sweden joined as a member in January 2024 and took part in the first meeting in Kyiv in April 2024. In Berlin, the Donor Coordination Platform will meet at the ministerial level for the first time.

Press contact

Victoria Holmqvist
Press Secretary to Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell
Phone (switchboard) +46 8 405 10 00

Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Johan Forssell has been Minister for Migration since 10 September 2024.

Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Johan Forssell has been Minister for Migration since 10 September 2024.
