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Press release from Ministry of Defence

Major investments in Sweden’s military defence expansion


In its 2025 Budget Bill, the Government proposes additional funding worth SEK 13 billion to Sweden’s military defence, including upward adjustments and previous decisions. This corresponds to an increase of 10 per cent compared with 2024. The proposal means that appropriations for military defence amount to SEK 138 billion for 2025. For the coming defence decision period 2025–2030, the Government proposes over SEK 170 billion in additional funding. This is a significant increase in resources aimed at implementing measures in the upcoming bill Total Defence 2025–2030. With these increases, defence expenditure for 2025 is forecast to be equivalent to approximately 2.4 per cent of GDP according to NATO’s definition, and equivalent to approximately 2.6 per cent in 2028.

The security situation demands a stronger defence. Russia’s war against Ukraine is a defining factor for security in Sweden’s neighbourhood. As the Budget Bill makes clear, the Government proposes significant resource increases to strengthen Sweden’s defence capabilities and enable extensive growth of the country’s total defence.

Total Defence Bill

In 2024, the Government plans to submit a proposal on the development of the Total Defence Bill 2025–2030 to the Riksdag, which will include proposals on objectives and targets for military defence. In its Total Defence Bill, the Government intends to propose significant resource increases for the military defence in 2025–2035, in accordance with the Swedish Defence Commission’s report on the development of the military defence, Strengthened defence capability, of 26 April 2024. 

Some key principles in the upcoming Total Defence Bill will be:

  • Sweden’s NATO integration.
  • Lessons learned from Ukraine.
  • Technology’s increased importance and impact on the modern battlefield.
  • The need to be able to quickly equip Sweden’s defence.

The Budget Bill includes the financial conditions necessary to implementing the proposals and measures that will be presented in the Total Defence Bill.

Development of war organisation

The 2025 Budget Bill’s additional military defence funds also aim to increase the Swedish Armed Forces’ operational capacity by investing in personnel, materiel and infrastructure.   

Basic training in national military service continues to be the military defence’s most important recruitment base, and the number of conscripts will continue to increase gradually. The target for 2025 is for 8000 conscripts to complete basic training.


The security situation requires a stronger defence. The investments outlined in the 2025 Budget Bill strengthen Sweden’s defence capabilities and thus Sweden’s contribution to NATO’s collective defence. 

Sweden is now taking part in NATO’s collective defence. Additional funding to the military defence increases the Swedish Armed Forces’ operational capability and helps to facilitate active participation in NATO’s deterrence and defence. Concrete examples include Sweden being able to contribute to NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence, FLF Latvia. Furthermore, Sweden will also, subject to Riksdag approval, contribute to NATO air surveillance within the framework of NATO’s integrated air and missile defence, and with marine contributions to NATO’s standing maritime forces. 

Military support to Ukraine

To enhance Swedish support to Ukraine – and for long-term stability – the Government and the Sweden Democrats have agreed to introduce a framework for the military support to Ukraine for 2024–2026. Sweden will increase this support to a total of SEK 75 billion within the new framework for 2024–2026, which equates to SEK 25 billion a year. The additional military defence funding in the 2025 Budget Bill will help enable more ambitious and long-term support to Ukraine. For example, the support will enable funding for the multinational capability coalition that was set up to support Ukraine, with the aim of helping to meet Ukraine’s needs for materiel, ammunition, etc. International cooperation is important to ensuring strong and long-term support to Ukraine. 

The proposals are based on an agreement between the Government and the Sweden Democrats.

Press contact

Johan Hjelmstrand
Press Secretary to Minister for Defence Pål Jonson
Phone (switchboard) +46 8 405 10 00
Mobile +46 76 126 69 22
email to Johan Hjelmstrand