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Proud and safe - a new action plan for equal rights and opportunities for LGBTIQ people


The Government is announcing a new action plan for an inclusive and equal society. The action plan aims to further strengthen efforts to support rights and opportunities for LGBTIQ people by consolidating, supplementing and mobilising these efforts.

"LGBTIQ people must be able to live lives in which their rights and identities are fully respected. Although progress has been made, sadly we see that challenges such as discrimination, threats, hatred and violence remain. These are things we will never accept,” says Minister for Gender Equality and Working Life Paulina Brandberg.

”All LGBTIQ people have the right to safety and security. It is especially important that we ensure that young LGBTIQ people have the right to a safe and secure upbringing, free from discrimination, violence and other violations. This action plan is an extraordinarily important tool in our continued efforts to gaurantee equal rights and opportunities for all,” says Minsiter for Social Services Camilla Waltersson Grönvall.

“The Government is continuing its long-term, systematic and strategic work for LGBTIQ rights and freedoms. With the new action plan, we are taking the next steps in our efforts to ensure that everyone can be who they are and love who they want,” says Minister for Public Administration Erik Slottner.

The new action plan complements the existing strategy for equal rights and opportunities regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, and the efforts will be stepped up with concrete measures until 2027 . 

Eight focus areas and new strategic agencies

The following focus areas are considered to be of continued vital importance in efforts to support rights and opportunities for LGBTIQ people: violence, discrimination and other violations; health, health care and social services; working life; young LGBTIQ people; older LGBTIQ people; private and family life; civil society; and cultural life.  

The new action plan includes goals for each focus area based on various policy areas. To ensure a consolidated, structured and long-term approach to measures within the focus areas, a number of government agencies have been designated as strategic LGBTIQ agencies. These are the Ombudsman for Children in Sweden, the Public Health Agency of Sweden, the Forum for Living History, the Swedish Gender Equality Agency, the Swedish Migration Agency, the Family Law and Parenthood Support Authority, the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, the Swedish Police Authority, the National Board of Health and Welfare, the Swedish Arts Council, and the Swedish National Agency for Education. 

The Government has also designated the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise as strategic agencies for the working life focus area, which had previously lacked strategic agencies. 

The Government will also task the Swedish Defence Research Agency with surveying the prevalence of LGBTIQ hostility in digital environments and spreading knowledge compiled within the framework of the assignment. 

The Public Health Agency of Sweden will be given an expanded assignment to coordinate, support and follow up the work of the LGBTIQ strategic agencies.


Press contact

Emelie Franzén
Press Secretary to Minister for gender equality and working life Paulina Brandberg
Phone (switchboard) +46 8 405 10 00
Mobile +4676-77 10 951
email to Emelie Franzén
Karl Opdal
Press Secretary to Minister for Social Services Camilla Waltersson Grönwall
Phone (switchboard) +46 8 405 10 00
Mobile 076-128 48 03
email to Karl Opdal
Erika Svanström
Press Secretary to Minister for Public Administration Erik Slottner
Phone (switchboard) +46 8 405 10 00
Mobile +46 76-648 65 48
email to Erika Svanström