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Sweden’s Convergence Programme 2021


The Stability and Growth Pact is a set of rules for coordinating fiscal policy between EU Member States. The purpose of these rules is to ensure sound public finances. Every April, Member States are to submit stability and convergence programmes. Sweden and other Member States that have not adopted the euro submit convergence programmes, whereas Member States that have adopted the euro submit stability programmes. The programmes are used by the Commission and the Council in their assessment of Member States’ fiscal policies and situations.


Sweden’s Convergence Programme for 2021 describes Sweden’s fiscal policy framework, monetary policy framework and economic policy. It also includes the Government’s macroeconomic and public finance forecasts, as well as an assessment of the long-term sustainability of the fiscal policy.

Sweden’s Convergence Programme for 2021 is mainly based on the Spring Fiscal Policy Bill for 2021 (Govt Bill 2020/21:100), which was presented by the Government to the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) on 15 April 2021. The Parliamentary Committee on Finance was informed about the Convergence Programme on 21 April. The Government adopted the Convergence Programme on 29 April.
