Content about labour market
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Better conditions for foreign researchers and doctoral students to work in Sweden
Yesterday, Minister for Migration Johan Forssell was presented with a memorandum entitled Bättre migrationsrättsliga regler för forskare och studenter (‘Better migration regulations for researchers and students’). It contains proposals with a view to improving the migration regulations for foreign researchers and doctoral and other serious students, and to counteract abuse of residence permits for studies.
Published · Press release from Johan Forssell, Ministry of Justice
Measures to ensure that more people learn Swedish
In the Budget Bill for 2025, the Government proposes several measures to overhaul integration policy. The Government proposes broad initiatives, including measures aimed at improving language skills for children and staff in preschools, schools, after-school care and care for older people. To better follow the development, it is proposed that funding be set aside to develop and implement more appropriate follow-up of integration.
Additional funding to the Swedish Work Environment Authority for stricter and more effective supervision to prevent fatal accidents and other work environment risks
In the Budget Bill for 2025, the Government proposes allocated funds to the Swedish Work Environment Authority for stricter and more effective supervision to prevent fatal accidents and other work environment risks. It also includes developing the selection of workplaces for inspection to ensure that the supervision is directed to a greater extent at the workplaces where the risk is greatest. To this end, the proposal is that the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s administrative appropriation be increased by SEK 50 million for 2025. The appropriation is then expected to increase by SEK 75 million in 2026 and permanently by SEK 100 million in 2027.
Published · Press release from Paulina Brandberg, Ministry of Employment
EU Blue Card will promote highly qualified labour immigration
The Government has presented a government bill to the Riksdag with proposals aimed at improving Sweden’s ability to attract and retain highly qualified workers.
Published · Press release from Johan Forssell, Ministry of Justice
Improved rules for highly qualified labour immigration
The Government has decided to refer proposals to the Council on Legislation that aim to improve Sweden’s ability to attract and retain highly qualified workers.
Published · Press release from Maria Malmer Stenergard, Ministry of Justice
Inquiry on improving conditions for foreign doctoral students and researchers in Sweden and more reliable assessments of resident permits for studies
An inquiry has been tasked with proposing measures to improve the prospects of attracting and retaining foreign doctoral students and researchers in Sweden. The aim is to strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness as a research and innovation nation. The inquiry will also review the regulatory framework for residence permits for studies, with the aim of counteracting abuse of study permits.
Inter-agency initiative to attract and retain international expertise
The shortage of workers with sought-after skills is one of the main obstacles to growth for companies in Sweden and has also become an obstacle to regional development. In light of this, the Government is allocating SEK 25 million in 2024 to strengthen coordination of the ongoing efforts of eleven government agencies linked to attracting and retaining international expertise.
Inquiry proposes stricter labour immigration regulations
Minister for Migration Maria Malmer Stenergard received an inquiry report today entitled ‘New regulations on labour immigration, etc.’ The report contains a number of proposals that aim to make conditions for low-skilled labour immigration more stringent while promoting highly skilled labour immigration.
Published · Press release from Maria Malmer Stenergard, Ministry of Justice
Labour market and integration reforms – Budget Bill for 2024
In connection with the Government’s Budget Bill for 2024, several reforms concerning the labour market, integration and efforts to combat social exclusion were proposed. The proposals are based on an agreement between the Government and the Sweden Democrats. The Government presented the autumn budget to the Riksdag on 20 September.
Published · Article from Johan Pehrson, Ministry of Employment
Speech by Minister for Gender Equality and Working Life Paulina Brandberg at the 111th International Labour Conference
Genève, 8 June 2023. Check against delivery.
Published · Speech from Paulina Brandberg, Ministry of Employment
Skills supply and demographic challenges on agenda for informal EU meeting
On 3–4 May, the EU social affairs and labour market ministers will gather in Stockholm for an informal meeting hosted by Minister for Employment and Integration Johan Pehrson and Minister for Older People and Social Security Anna Tenje. Minister for Gender Equality and Working Life Paulina Brandberg will also take part.
Flexibility, adaptability and security in the labour market
The transition package to improve long-term flexibility, adaptability and security in the labour market is based on a proposal from the trade unions and employers within the private sector. All workers gain better opportunities for transition and skills development throughout their working life, and Sweden’s competitiveness is strengthened. This involves a reformed labour law, a new student finance scheme and new basic transition and skills support.
Published · Updated · Information material from Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Employment
Survey to learn more about Ukrainian citizens’ ability to enter the Swedish labour market
The Government has decided to provide a grant of USD 75 000 to the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM) to conduct a survey. The survey targets adult Ukrainian citizens in Sweden who have been registered under the Temporary Protection Directive, and will include questions about their situation in Sweden.
Published · Press release from Maria Malmer Stenergard, Ministry of Justice
A good work environment for the future – the Government’s work environment strategy 2021–2025, Skr. 2020/21:92
In this Communication, the Government presents its work environment strategy for 2021–2025. The work environment strategy sets out the Government’s long-term policy focus in this area over the next five years.
Published · Legal document from Ministry of Employment
Government bill proposes more equal treatment of posted workers
The Government has adopted a bill to enable Sweden to implement the EU’s revised Posting of Workers Directive. The Government proposes a range of legislative amendments that will create more equal conditions for posted workers and domestic workers.
Published · Article from Ministry of Employment
Ministry of Employment investments in the 2018 spring budget
Everyone who can work should work. More people need to learn Swedish faster and more people who need an education to find work should take the initiative to study. In its 2018 spring amending budget, the Government is therefore investing in strengthening paths to work for more people. The Government is also providing more resources for preventive efforts against sexual harassment in working life, regional safety representatives and summer jobs for more young people.
Published · Article from Ministry of Employment
Critical issues and the future of the EU
As head of the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union, Lars Danielsson represents the Government on a range of important EU issues in Brussels. This work offers him an insight into the EU’s political dynamics shared by few others.
Published · Article