Content about financial markets
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Government investing in new and innovative instrument from the IBRD
Sweden is going to purchase hybrid bonds from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) valued at approximately SEK 100 million. This investment is part of the Government’s strategy to modernise and streamline development assistance and promote sustainable economic development in partner countries.
Published · Press release from Benjamin Dousa, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Guidelines for central government debt management in 2025
Today, the Government adopted new guidelines for the Swedish National Debt Office’s central government debt management in 2025. The Swedish National Debt Office will continue to issue inflation-linked bonds, but the outstanding volume will be reduced. The aim is inflation-linked debt of around SEK 80 billion by the end of 2029. In addition, from now on, the central government debt’s term to maturity will be measured in average time to refixing (ATR).
Published · Press release from Niklas Wykman, Ministry of Finance
Press briefing with the Minister for Financial Markets and the President of FATF
On Wednesday, 13 March, Minister for Financial Markets Niklas Wykman and the President of Financial Task Force (FATF) T. Raja Kumar will hold a press briefing.
Published · Press release from Niklas Wykman, Ministry of Finance
Guidelines for central government debt management in 2024
Today, the Government adopted guidelines for the Swedish National Debt Office’s central government debt management. The guideline decision for 2024 does not entail any steering changes compared with the previous year.
Published · Press release from Niklas Wykman, Ministry of Finance
Competition in times of crisis
The importance of maintaining active competition enforcement with regard to markets and companies in times of crisis was a recurring message during the European Competition Day conference.
Published · Article from Ministry of Climate and Enterprise
Guidelines for central government debt management in 2023
The Government adopted guidelines for the Swedish National Debt Office’s national debt management. The guideline decision for 2023 amends the steering of national debt composition to gradually phase out national debt foreign currency exposure, with a target value of zero from 2027. Progress will be evaluated against a constant rate of reduction for the period 2023–2026. Furthermore, the reporting of private market borrowing results will cease.
Published · Press release from Niklas Wykman, Ministry of Finance
IMF to assess financial stability in Sweden
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will conduct a review of the financial sector and the work of the authorities on financial stability, a so-called FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program) in 2022. FSAPs are conducted regularly for countries with systemically important financial markets. In its report, the IMF will highlight any flaws and risks in the system and propose measures to deal with them.
Published · Article from Ministry of Finance
The green bond framework
Swedish National Debt Office is instructed by the Government to issue green bonds in 2020 at the latest. The framework differentiates between green bonds and other bonds, and will demonstrate how the proceeds from the bonds are linked to the green expenditures in the central government budget. The framework was presented 5 June 2020.
Published · Article from Ministry of Finance
Sweden and the banking union - summary, SOU 2019:52
The remit of the inquiry has been to make a comprehensive analysis of the implications of the potential participation of Sweden in the European banking union.
Published · Legal document from Ministry of Finance
Statement regarding Nordic-Baltic financial crisis simulation, January 2019
The Nordic and Baltic financial stability authorities have conducted a joint financial crisis management exercise. The exercise was held from 22 to 23 January 2019 and involved 31 authorities from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden as well as relevant European Union authorities. A staff member of the International Monetary Fund observed the simulation.
Published · Article from Ministry of Finance