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Resistance and decisive action – Sweden’s national strategy against organised crime

Organised crime poses a significant threat to Sweden. The violence, the threats, the recruitment of children, and the criminal economy have both direct and indirect impacts on people’s safety and security, as well as on critical societal functions. This calls for both resistance and decisive action – organised crime must be prevented and combated with the full collective force of society. The strategy describes the problems in detail, provides guidelines for measures, and outlines the most important work planned by the Government moving forward.


  • Resistance and action – Sweden’s first national strategy against organised crime

    Photo: Linnea Engberg/Government Offices of Sweden

    The Swedish Government has adopted Sweden’s first comprehensive national strategy against organised crime. The strategy serves as a direction for the work against organised crime, with the purpose to reduce vulnerabilities exploited by criminals. The national strategy presents priorities and identifies central actors.

Strategies for increased safety and security in Sweden

The Government has recently presented three new national strategies for increased safety and security in Sweden. These are a strategy for strengthening efforts against violent extremism and terrorism, a strategy against organised crime and a crime prevention strategy on social prevention measures against criminal networks. You can read more about the strategies here.

The five objectives of the national strategy

Illustration: Government Offices of Sweden

Criminal careers must be stopped

Sweden will increase its capacity to prevent and ultimately to stop criminal careers. The number of individuals in criminal milieux and the number of criminal networks will be reduced.

Illustration: Government Offices of Sweden

Reduce the supply of illegal firearms and explosives

The supply of illegal firearms and explosives for illegal purposes must be reduced.

Illustration: Government Offices of Sweden

Destroy the criminal economy

It should be more difficult to enrich oneself from and invest in criminal activities. Criminals must be prevented from benefiting from the proceeds of crime, and more of the proceeds of crime must be recovered.

Illustration: Government Offices of Sweden

Build robustness against unlawful and undue influence

Unlawful and undue influence have no place in Swedish society, neither in the public nor the private sector.

Illustration: Government Offices of Sweden

Safeguard systems for reliable identification and an efficient provision of information

Identity administration in Sweden must be reliable and sound. It must not be possible to exploit it for various forms of abuse and crime. Government agencies and other relevant actors must be able to share information efficiently when the purpose is preventing and investigating criminal offences.

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