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The areas of responsibility of the ministers at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs


The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs has four ministers with responsibility for issues concerning social welfare, including public health, health care, social insurance, care of older people, social services, civil society and sport. Responsibilities are divided among the ministers as follows.

Jakob Forssmed, Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health

Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health Jakob Forssmed is head of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Mr Forssmed’s responsibilities include:

  • Public health policy, including efforts to promote good health and prevent ill health, and suicide prevention activities
  • Psychiatric services and mental health
  • Dental care
  • Communicable disease control, including COVID-19 (testing, vaccinations, etc.)
  • Sport
  • Youth policy
  • Conditions for civil society and government grants
  • Faith communities
  • Burial and cremation services
  • Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
  • Health data, eHealth and life sciences
  • Policy regarding alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and gambling (ANDTG)
  • Global health
  • Outdoor recreation organisations and the development of outdoor recreation for good public health

Acko Ankarberg Johansson, Minister for Health Care

Ms Johansson’s responsibilities include:

  • Health and medical care, excluding matters relating to psychiatric services
  • Health and medical care staff in the exercise of their professional duties
  • Health and medical care skills supply
  • Pharmaceuticals, medical devices and cosmetics
  • Pharmacy services
  • Health and medical care crisis preparedness

Camilla Waltersson Grönvall, Minister for Social Services

Ms Grönvall’s responsibilities include:

  • Social services, including care for children and young people, care for people with disabilities, care for substance abusers and other social assistance
  • Disability policy
  • Child rights policy, including coordination and development of matters concerning the rights of the child and other children’s issues
  • Swedish and international adoptions

Anna Tenje, Minister for Older People and Social Security

Ms Tenje’s responsibilities include:

  • Care for older people
  • Sickness insurance
  • Work injury insurance and state personal injury protection
  • Pensions
  • Financial support for families with children
  • Housing allowance, housing supplement and supplementary housing allowance

Ministry of Health and Social Affairs areas of responsibility

The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs is responsible for issues concerning social welfare, including public health, health care and care of older people. The Ministry’s areas of responsibility also include social insurance, which provides financial security to people when they are sick or elderly, or when their children are young. Issues concerning individual and family care, support for people with disabilities and care of older people are also included. In addition, the Ministry works on rights for people with disabilities and on issues related to the premium pension system. It is also responsible for issues concerning sport, youth policy, civil society, faith communities and burial and cremation services.
