2.6 Inviolability
Under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the following premises and persons are inviolable:
- A mission's premises, its furnishings and the property thereon and its means of transport (Article 22).
- A mission's archives and documents (Article 24).
- A mission's official correspondence, the diplomatic bag and the diplomatic courier (Article 27).
- Diplomatic agents and members of the family of a diplomatic agent forming part of his or her household (Article 29 and Article 37, Paragraph 1)
- Members of the administrative and technical staff of the mission and members of their families forming part of their households (Article 37, Paragraph 2).
- The private residences of diplomatic agents (Article 30) and members of the administrative and technical staff of the mission (Article 37, Paragraph 2) as well as their papers, correspondence and property (Article 30, Paragraph 2).
- Diplomatic agents and members of their families, who pass through Sweden, provided they are travelling to or returning from a post (Article 40).
Protocol Department
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Visiting address Gustav Adolfs torg 1
Address 103 39 STOCKHOLM
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Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Visiting address Gustav Adolfs torg 1
Address 103 39 STOCKHOLM
email to Protocol Department