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21.3 Communication with the Royal Court

Embassies’ communication with the Royal Court.

Gifts to the Royal Family can be delivered to:
The Palace’s Post & Logistics reception
(Kungl. Slottets Post & Logistik-mottagning)
Högvaktsterrassen 1
107 70 Stockholm
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 07.00–16.30
Staff there will receive the gift. It is very important that the gift is clearly labelled, including whom it is from and for whom it is intended.
If the driver has any trouble finding the location, please call the Royal Palace at: 08-402 60 00.

New Year’s, birthday and National Day greetings should be sent directly to Heidi Kumlin, Private Secretary to His Majesty The King.
Via email: [email protected]
Via postal service:
Private Secretary to His Majesty The King
Heidi Kumlin
Kungliga Slottet
SE-107 70 Stockholm (Sweden)

For any other matters please contact Petra Jolinder at the Office of the Marshal of the Court.
Via email: [email protected]
Via Postal Service:
CPetra Jolinder
Kungliga Slottet
SE-107 70 Stockholm (Sweden)
