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Digital policy

Digital policy concerns utilising and promoting the opportunities offered by digitalisation and includes regulation of digital and electronic communications, network and information security, frequency policy and issues concerning broadband access and digital infrastructure. This policy area also covers eGovernment issues, i.e. using digital policy to make the activities of government agencies more efficient and simplify the general public’s contacts with them – for example through electronic identification, electronic signatures and open data.

Responsible for digital policy

Responsible minister

Erik Slottner Minister for Public Administration

Responsible ministry

News about digital policy

  • News feeds and publications

    The following list contains news items and published documents, such as press releases, government bills or proposals referred to the Council on Legislation for consideration. It is pre-filtered to display content tagged with the relevant area. The list can be further filtered to help you find what you are interested in.

Content about digital policy

Total 17 hits.
