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Judicial system

The judicial system comprises the institutions that are responsible for the rule of law and legal security in Sweden, i.e. the police, public prosecutor, courts and correctional treatment. This entails preventing and combating criminal activities, investigating crime, enforcing sentences and providing support to victims of crime.

News about judicial system

  • New national strategy to strengthen crime prevention efforts

    Photo: Government Offices of Sweden

    To combat crime and increase security, investments in the judicial system and criminal law measures must be combined with effective and proactive crime prevention efforts. The Government has therefore presented a national strategy that focuses on social crime prevention measures. The aim includes preventing children and young people from becoming involved in criminal networks and other types of crime.

  • Resistance and decisive action – Sweden’s first national strategy against organised crime

    Photo: Linnea Engberg/Government Offices of Sweden

    The Swedish Government has adopted Sweden’s first comprehensive national strategy against organised crime. The strategy serves as a direction for the work against organised crime, with the purpose to reduce vulnerabilities exploited by criminals. The national strategy presents priorities and identifies central actors.

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