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Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for issues concerning central government finances, including coordination of the central government budget, forecasts and analyses, tax issues, and management and administration of central government activities. The Ministry is also responsible for matters concerning financial markets, consumer legislation, state-owned enterprises and digital policy.

Responsible ministers

Elisabeth Svantesson Minister for Finance
Erik Slottner Minister for Public Administration
Niklas Wykman Deputy Minister for Finance, Minister for Financial Markets

News from Ministry of Finance

  • The fight against inflation has been won

    Ministry of Finance Elisabeth Svantesson, Minister for Finance
    Elisabeth Svantesson, Minister for Finance Photo: Ninni Anderson/Government Offices

    Inflation in Sweden has decreased and the target is expected to be reached this year. At the same time, the labour market situation has worsened and unemployment has risen. The Swedish economy is expected to remain in recession until 2025, but recovery is approaching. These are the conclusions of the Ministry of Finance in a new economic forecast. The Government’s inflation-focus is now shifting from fighting to monitoring, while Sweden will be built to be more prosperous.

  • Government presents 2024 Spring Fiscal Policy Bill

    Picture of Minister for Finance Elisabeth Svantesson
    Minister for Finance Elisabeth Svantesson. Photo: Armin Dröge/Government Offices

    On 15 April the Government presented its 2024 Spring Fiscal Policy Bill and Spring Amending Budget for 2024. Inflation has fallen considerably and is expected to continue to do so, while at the same time unemployment is expected continue to rise. In light of this, the Government is presenting its Spring Amending Budget with measures to navigate us through the recession, safeguard the welfare system and make Sweden a safer, more secure and wealthier country. The Budget is based on an agreement between the Government and the Sweden Democrats.

Content from the Ministry of Finance

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